Sunday 15th November 2009, Ecuador
“We had a very early order to visit Refugio Paz de las Aves where the Paz brothers (Angel and Rodrigo) took us to look for their tame and elusive antpittas. We walked the trails, having wonderful close views of Maria, the Giant Antpitta. We ended up in a lush creek for a Yellow-breasted Antpitta called Willy, but a very confident Moustached Antpitta turned up first, showing herself off very well” (Naturetrek trip report).
Antpittas are all rare, secretive and very difficult to find and see. At this reserve a remarkable relationship has developed between a man and the birds. Angel Paz, a quiet, gentle farmer who loves nature, protects the forest on his property, and is on first name terms with his birds! We watched in amazement as he called the birds out of his woods and rewarded them with freshly washed earthworms.
Date: 15/11/2009